Home Cara Delevingne celeb Photo : カーラ・デルヴィーニュ
Billy 1/21/2017 0
It's so hard to leave Uganda today. It's been one of the most incredible weeks of my entire life. It's still hard to comprehend the strength and resilience of all of refugees I've met here. Especially the girls, who want so badly to learn and go to school above everything else. That's why I'm so grateful to work with @girlupcampaign and @unrefugees who have helped thousands of girls go to school. #withrefugeesCara Delevingneさん(@caradelevingne)が投稿した動画 - 2017 1月 12 6:03午前 PST
It's so hard to leave Uganda today. It's been one of the most incredible weeks of my entire life. It's still hard to comprehend the strength and resilience of all of refugees I've met here. Especially the girls, who want so badly to learn and go to school above everything else. That's why I'm so grateful to work with @girlupcampaign and @unrefugees who have helped thousands of girls go to school. #withrefugees
Cara Delevingneさん(@caradelevingne)が投稿した動画 - 2017 1月 12 6:03午前 PST